Monday, November 26, 2012

Chapter 28

Perhaps one of the most famous paintings in art, this is the Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. This is a beautiful piece of abstract art.

This is the Eiffel tower is one of the most iconic piece of architecture. It was created by  Gustave Eiffel. It shows the advancement in architecture as technology progressed. 


This is the La Madeline in Paris, France. It was created by Pierre-Alexandre Barthélémy Vignon, who was commissioned by Napoleon to build "Temple to the Glory of the Great Army" This represents the neoclassical style. I like this because of the many pillars it has. 

This is the royal Pavilion in Brighton, England. It was designed by John Nash.I really like this because it has a fusion of the classical British style with Indian architectural style.

Chapter 26

 This is the Hall of Mirrors, designed by Francois Cuvillies in Amalienburg near Munich in the Nymphenburg Palace.  This work is a good example of the Rocco style. The Rocco style is very decorative and a bit over the top. None the less I think this is a beautiful salon. 

This is the park at  Stourhead, England. It was designed by Henry Filtcroft and Henry Hoare. The building in the picture is supposed to be the replica of the Pantheon overlooking the artificial lake. I like this park because of the architectural  and the natural beauty.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Chapter 25

This chapter focused on Baroque style paintings in Northern Europe.

There really weren't any architectural or sculpture pieces in this chapter.


This is anatomy lesson with Dr. Tulp by Rembrandt. I like this painting because of the subject itself. I want to be a surgeon.

Kind of going back to landscape painting but not really.

This is Flower Still Life by Ruysch. It almost looks like  a photograph.

Chapter 24

This chapter had a lot of architecture and sculptures in it.

This is the Chapel of Saint Ivo in Rome by Francesco Borromini.

This is Saint Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, Italy designed by Bernini.

Both of these represent the Baroque style in Italy.